Euro Consulting

Euro Consulting

Euro Consulting is a Human Resources specialized firm, we provide full HR and Organizational Development consultancy along with both Recruiting and Corporate Training. At Euro Consulting we believe in success and provide our services in an ideal professional manner to help our clients improve their business.

Euro Consulting Services

Wherever you are to where ever you want

OD & HR Consultancy

OD & HR Consultancy

Our services in the field of organizational development and human resources are mainly to provide professional assistance to our corporate clients in improving the effectiveness of their organizations. Based on our clients' demands and their organization's goals, Euro Consulting provides the best HR solutions in order to increase the performance and achievements of their work force.

Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions

It is no longer just about screening job candidates, it is about performance management and flexibility it is the key Training and development of staff and analysis of core job tasks It may be wise to develop more general job descriptions rather than specific tasks, which encourages employees to focus on results not only job tasks. The broader the job description, the easier it is to stick.

Employees Engagement and Survey

Employees Engagement and Survey

Employee engagement is a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organization's goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being.

Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures

A clear written Polices & Procedures Manual is very important to any organization ,It allows employees to understand their roles and responsibilities within pre-defined boundaries At Euro Consulting, we provide our clients with a complete service to develop and draft all internal regulations and procedures in order to align their global policies and at the same time harmonize with the Egyptian Labor Law.

Emergency medical coverage

Emergency medical coverage

Emergency medical treatment

Employees' Benefits

Employees' Benefits

Monetary benefits are not always enough in this age to hire the best talent for your company. To attract the best talents to your company, it is also important to provide a package of attractive benefits in addition to a competitive salary. Good benefits help build a strong working relationship between employees and employers.

Performance Management

Performance Management

To assess and measure individual performance and improve productivity

Career Management

Career Management

Career management is about the future of the organization and the effective development and dissemination of it to all employees. In today's tough economic circumstances, organizations are seeking competitive advantage through the best use of their people more than ever before. In a time when the job market is uncertain, many companies and business leaders may feel that career management is not a priority, seeing it as something that is personal to employees.

Organizational Design and Structure

Organizational Design and Structure

We develop and establish effective an organizational structure In Euro-consulting, we develop and create an effective organizational structure based on the strategic goals of our clients, by conducting an analysis of the company's current structure and business cycle using data collection techniques such as questionnaires, performance appraisal reports.

Salary Scale

Salary Scale

At Euro-Consulting we are constantly updating salary surveys for a wide range of different positions in all types of industries and fields within the Egyptian and international market in order to enable our clients to determine the best salary standards for similar levels and positions.

BBS (Health and Safety in the Workplace)

BBS (Health and Safety in the Workplace)

There are sound economic reasons for reducing work-related accidents and ill-health, as well as ethical and regulatory reasons, its a proactive responsibility in managing their safety and health.

Corporate Training & Development

Corporate Training & Development

Training and career development is very vital in any company or organization aiming at advancement. Training simply refers to the process of acquiring the basic skills needed for a particular job and it targets specific goals, for example understanding the operation of a particular device or system.

Training Courses

Training Courses

We believe that the key to a successful business is ensuring that employees are properly motivated, rewarded and clearly aware of their contribution and the part it plays in business strategy. Our clients come to us for comprehensive services and support critical to their maximizing the performance of their people and turning their strategy into reality. Drawing on pioneering research and world-leading databases, we can help you ensure that your people are working in line with your strategy, in jobs that are appropriate to their skills. This will deliver results that both of you can see and appreciate

Courses Subjects

Courses Subjects

A wide range of expertise to serve our clients' needs